Monday, November 2, 2009

West Valley Fourth Ward NEWS - November 2009

Bishopric Message
As most of you are aware, we have been trying to improve our lives and strengthen our families by working on various provident living/self-reliance principles this past year. We have worked on improving our Physical Health through emphasizing proper nutrition and diets and participating in regular exercise and fitness programs. We have had classes and seminars on Family Finances, including budgeting and practical ways to save on everyday home and family expenses. We have discussed the principles in gaining and developing Social and Emotional strength, both as individuals and as families, by learning to manage/avoid stress and by simplifying our lives. We have talked about and had demonstrations on Family Home Management skills; including organizing our homes, growing gardens, food management/storage, and preparing for adversity. We have received instruction regarding the importance of Education and Literacy; including education both within the home and outside of the home, to develop and strengthen our employment skills, become aware of educational resources and opportunities and enhance our capabilities in finding employment.  Now as we approach the final two months of the year, we will complete our provident living themes by emphasizing Spiritual Development, both individually and as families. Perhaps this should have been the first concept that we worked on, since it really serves as the foundation for all of the other provident living principles. However, we elected to focus on this theme at the end of the year as we approach the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays when we focus on giving thanks to God and celebrating the birth of the Savior. After all, our spiritual development centers on our knowledge of and faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world and the author of our salvation. It is only through His atonement that the eternal purposes of our Father in Heaven are achieved. During the next two months you will receive instructions in Sacrament Meeting and elsewhere regarding principles of spiritual self-reliance. You will hear messages on the atonement and of the healing and strengthening powers of the Sacrament; the importance of preparing ourselves to receive and keep sacred ordinances and covenants, the importance of regular Sacrament Meeting and temple attendance, the importance of service, and how to establish a Gospel-centered home. We invite each of you to attend your Sacrament and other meetings to be taught these principles and ask that you apply these principles in your lives to further enhance your spiritual development by increasing your faith in Jesus Christ and strengthening your testimony of God and His eternal principles.
Your 4th Ward Bishopric
Russ Mathis, Gaylen Atkinson, and Mark Nielsen
Study Schedule November (Doctrine & Covenants)
Nov 1 Hearts of the Children D&C 2, 110, 138
Nov 8 Temple, Family History D&C 84, 128
Nov 15 Member Missionary D&C 1, 30, 109, 123
Nov 22 Continuing Revelation D&C 1; 68, 84
Nov 29 My Whole Armor For the Strength of Youth
Relief Society
We hope you enjoyed the General Relief Society meeting whether you were able to go to the Conference Center or watched it on TV. We are blessed to have these spiritual meetings available to us as women. We also hope you were able to listen to Conference sessions and feel of our Heavenly Father’s love for all of us through the messages that were given. We were happy to see so many come to listen to the interesting experiences of Bishop Sayer, the bodyguard for President Hinckley for seventeen years. He opened the last part of the evening for questions. Someone asked how he got that assignment. He told how he had worked for the railroad, then Kennecott Copper, but lost his job about a year prior to applying to Church security. We enjoyed hearing “what he could share” and chuckled at some of the situations he related. He traveled with President Hinckley all over the world and often with Sister Hinckley and other family members as well. He is still employed with Church security. We would like to especially thank Dorene Lynch for making this special evening possible for us. Tuesday, November 17, is our Relief Society temple day at the Jordan River Temple. We have been encouraged to make time for this important work. Save the date and come with us! Congratulations to the Barker family on the new arrival of their son! Mother and son are doing very well. There will be a Deseret Industries Drive October 26-30. It may be a perfect excuse to de-clutter before the upcoming holiday season. Beginning the first of November we will be participating in another humanitarian collection project. We would like clean, USED outerwear; i.e., coats, socks, boots, gloves, mittens, hats, scarves...and blankets. We would also like NEW, UNUSED toiletries. The recipients of these often-needed items will be persons in our valley. Look for forthcoming information. December's Relief Society meeting will be held on the second Tuesday, December 8. We will be holding the Third Annual Christmas Cookie Exchange. Not to be rushing the season, we just wanted to let you know what is coming up. This is a great ward family exchange to spread a little cheer. There is a High Priest and Singles dinner scheduled on the calendar for Saturday, November 14. And, last, but not least, have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Holiday!
Nov 1 R. S. Presidency Missionaries
Nov 8 Joseph Smith Chapter 44 Diane

Nov 15 Joseph Smith, Chapter 45 Julie
Nov 22 "Bring Souls Unto Me" Rose
Nov 29 Combined RS/Priesthood Bishopric

Dear Bookers:
What to do . . . what to do!!!!??? I know you have all been anxious about this month's newsletter, as my informants have informed, and I learned that at least one inquiry (no doubt there were more) was made as to how I was going to report on something that I was not in attendance for. Considering the fact that I don't believe I have missed a Book Club since I joined, did anyone ask if I was at death's door or hospitalized???? I won't even go there!!
You'll not get exoneration through confession from this fellow Biblio! I can handle it (sniff, sniff) . . .besides, I obviously survived or you wouldn't be sitting there reading my written word.
Actually, I have it on good authority from very reliable sources that you are all now Eating to Live. I also learned that your "gray matter" has been
increased and you were even treated to special visitors sharing their personal experience! Wow! How cool is that! I didn't have to be there to know it was a calorie-smashing success, and we send kudos and many thanks to Marva Mathis for her informative presentation of Eat to Live. Of course, we also owe a big thanks to Jeanette and Rob Bentley for taking the time to share their experience with our group, making it all that much more enjoyable. I understand that there was a very tasty effort made above and beyond the call as Janeal provided the smorgasbord . . ,. e-r-r-r-r I mean the treat for the whole affair. Way to go!  I have always been a firm believer that we are in a Time Warp. Somewhere along life's journey, we made this leap that showed as only a subtle blip on the timeline, but put us on an entirely different plane of time keeping. Here it is November . . . can any of you give me another explanation for how we got here this fast?? C'mon, I'm listening!
 We are having our farewell gathering for the year of 2009! My good friends and closest Biblioholics . . . it will be a month to remember as we close out the year. The book pick will bring to life as never before, the season we are entering. We will travel to where it all began . . . over land and ocean, beckoning the Christmas season with the age-old story of Mary and Joseph, a fictional recreation that blends scripture, tradition and creative imagination into the beloved story of their lives,how they may have coped with their awesome responsibility, and the wonder of that journey.
So . . . one more time, hop on your camel, gather up the sheep, stow away the blankets . . . we're headin' to Galilee! The November Tour Guide is Jean Stout who will present "Two from Galilee" by Marjorie Holmes.
Book your reservations now, scribble on your calendars, and get ready to live this timeless Bible story. We will, no doubt, have our horizons on the subject broadened and a deeper appreciation for what daily life might have been like for this wondrous couple. You know, of course, that if it is the end of the year, that means we need to launch our thinking processes into 2010 and start scouting some new books for review. When you see the new roster/assignment sheet . . . it will scare you, because it will all be blank! Awaiting the strokes of your loving pen as you fill it up with your volunteering spirit, don't be shy . . . I am depending on you to help make it another fantastic year!  One more reminder . . . don't forget the Books
for Kids donation project!
 Now, that wasn't so bad, was it? If you have the right spies, you can still pull off an absentee excusenote. Thanks to all my spies . . . I owe ya one!!
The Camel Keeper,
Kris Humphries
801.963.9706 or 801.808.9783

Book: Two From Galilee by Marjorie Holmes 

Presenter: Jean Stout
Place: Earlene's Tent
Date: Tuesday, Nov 24
Time: 7:00 pm

Elder Joseph C. McManama
Elder Scott Bowen
Family and Church HistoryMission Church Office Building


BLUE RECYCLING CANS go out every other MONDAY according to the following schedule: Nov. 9, 23; Dec. 7, 21; Jan. 4, 18; Feb 1, 15; Mar 1, 15, 29; Apr 5,
Please note that newsletter articles will be due thismonth on November 22. Please email them to meat Thank you.

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