Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just So You Know.....

Farewell Party for Shane & Wendy Adamson Family
November 1st. 2009 Shane,Wendy and family will be moving to Dallas, Texas. Shane will be partnering with Mark Bird PhD to open a LifeSTAR counseling clinic. Wendy turns 40 this January and Shane missed celebrating his 40th Birthday.
So; Shane and Wendy decided to have a farewell and birthday party all in one!
We hope all of our Utah family and friends can come celebrate and say good-bye.
Date: Saturday October 17th Time: 6:30 - 10:00
Place: LDS Church at 3150 West Whitehall Dr (3985 So) West Valley" UT
Activities: Food, Socializing; and activities for the whole family. A DJ will play music from 60's 70's, 80's, 90's and modern hits for those who want to dance. Taylor is 13 and will organize fun activities for this age group, Noel is 11 and will have same fun activities, Halle is 5 and we will have kid friendly activities for ages toddler through 10 with supervision. It will be a great family party for youth and adults. Please come celebrate and allow us the chance to see you all before the move!
Please RSVP by October 1st 801-631-2623 so we can make food arrangements

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