Our September Relief Society Activity night was a fun reminder of the retreats of 2008 and 2010. We saw some of the changes in the YWwho attended and enjoyed the memories of the times in Heber. Thanks go to the photographers who were kind to submit photos. We hope you all have wonderful memories of being there together as sisters, both older and younger, in the gospel. Sister Lynch is pretty good as a party planner, Powerpointer and photographer!
We also want to thank those of you who brought garden produce, bread, etc., to share, as well as those who helped by taking the abundance home!!! We were twice blessed!!
Our next Relief Society Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 12 at 6:30 pm. Look for more information coming! We are pulling some ideas together for a great Humanitarian evening, plus some other surprises. Thanks again to our phone callers who help so much in reminding us closer to our R. S. events.
There will be a Stake Temple Day during the week prior to our Stake Conference, which has been scheduled for October 23-24.
Welcome to Abraham and Debbie Zurita and their family who have moved into the former Pratt home on Montaia Drive. Their presence in our ward will make a great addition to all of our lives.
Congratulations to the Barker family who recently had the privilege and blessing of having their family sealed as a ‘forever family.’ Thanks, too, for Sister Smith and her helpers for their celebration.
Thank you to Sister Gwen Lythgoe for accepting an additional music calling to be our R. S. pianist! We are pleased that she is so willing and able to share her abilities and talents.
We are needing someone who knits or crochets to do a small project. If you have either of these talents and would be willing to help, or know of someone who does in the ward, please let one of the Presidency know.
We want to send a note of condolences from the Relief Society to the Eccles family. Sue’s brother passed away unexpectedly a few days ago. Our hearts go out to you.
Brother Bill Chesley recently had surgery and is recuperating well. He is anxious to be home and enjoying his own surroundings.
Several of our ward members are having challenges in different areas at this time. Please remember those in our ward of whom you are aware needing special blessings at this time. If you are aware of any information helpful to the Relief Society President, please give Sister Kay Williams a call at 801.963.9706, or 801.808.9794. We so appreciate those who are faithful in completing their visiting teaching assignments and caring for our ward members.
(credits of clipart from Mormon Share, artist Chris Gunn)RELIEF SOCIETY LESSON SCHEDULE
Oct 2-3 General Conference
Oct 10 Gospel Principles 19 Sister Leroy
Oct 17 Gospel Principles 20 Sister Rosenloff
Oct 24 Stake Conference
Oct 31 Combined R.S./Priesthood Bishopric