By the time the September Newsletter arrives, many of you will look back on the fun time you spent at our 2010 Heber Valley Camp, August 13-14…
“Recharge Your Batteries: Refresh, Renew and Recharge.
There are no guarantees for future opportunities, so we encourage you to come this year!!!
Make your reservations and donations for your out-of-the-ward guests’ meals and snacks ($5/guest) and the optional obstacle course ($5 each). You need to be able to climb on your own follow instructions, and be over 4’6” tall. There are only so many spots available for the course, so it is on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis. We found out that only those who pay the course fee will be allowed down to the site.
It is less than a week away!!! If you are interested, contact Dorene via "Leave a Comment" ASAP
Carpools will be arranged for those who need ride. The cabins have bunk platforms but no linens, pads, etc. There are lights, a mirror and a couple of outlets in each cabin, which sleeps sixteen. There are two bathrooms and a shower located at the covered pavilion. Sleeping bags, mattresses, foam pads, luggage, lounge chairs, etc., need to be over
at the Lynch home between 7:00-9:00 PM Thursday night on August 12th. We so appreciate their willingness to let us use their luxury trailer again!
We will leave Friday afternoon, August 13th at 12:30 pm. from the Whitehall Buildings East parking lot. Meet at the church no later than 12:15 pm. You may want to eat a good lunch before coming. We won’t be leaving Saturday at 4:30 pm , after cleanup.
Look forward to lots of fresh air, good conversation, food, activities (optional) and surprises. You may even be lucky enough to get some sleep!
What Will We Be Doing?????- Being Crafty (only if you want to)
- Going on the Obstacle Course (only if you want to. ZIP line included)
- Receiving Fun Handouts!!!!!
- Campfire Program!!!!!
- Enjoying Nature!!!!!
- Fun Activities Planned (They are a surprise – so I can’t tell you now)!!!!!
- Or ………Just Plain R&R-ing
Participants at Heber Valley Challenge Course 3 will climb a cargo-net,; traverse a swinging footbridge and take a zip line.
Three meals will be provided: Friday dinner; Saturday breakfast; and Saturday lunch. Each cabin has eight built-in bunk bed platforms for a total of 16 beds. Each platform measures 36" x 84" and does not have a mattress or padding. Campers should bring their own pads and sleeping bags. Each cabin includes a mirror, a whiteboard, a corkboard, overhead fluorescent lights and two electric outlets.
It’s not too late if you still would like to come. We hope to see as many as are able to come!
Tuesday, August 17, will be our Jordan River Temple Day.
Our West Valley 4th Ward readers had an interesting field trip to Sweet’s Candy Company. Thank you Sister Stott and Sister Barker. Who said that reading didn’t have its rewards?!! Keep it up!
We would like to welcome Tristen Michael Slade as the newest baby in our ward. Congratulations to Diane and Steve and their family.
We have had several ‘Sister’ surgeries lately and want SisterMcLaughlan, Sister Mathis, Sister McManama,Sister Williams, and Sister Bowen to know of our love and concern for their continued progress and well being. To any others we may not be aware of who are experiencing health or other issues, know we love you and miss you when you are not with us.
A special thanks to those sisters who have gone into Primary sharing time so the Primary sisters can meet for special meetings with their husbands during that hour.
(credits for graphics: Mormon Share - Chris Gunn)RELIEF SOCIETY LESSON SCHEDULEAug 1 Relief Society Presidency Sister Stott
Aug 8 Gospel Principles 16 Sister Rosenlof
Aug 15 Gospel Principles 15 Sister Leroy
Aug 22 April Conf. Talk Sister Bowen
Aug 29 Comb. Priesthood/Relief Society Bishopric
Book Club
Dear Bookers:
My mom used to send me to my room, well okay . . . I was grounded THEN sent to my room, when I was out of line. (I think she would like to do the same sometimes now. (HEE HEE) At this moment, it is the eleventh hour on the newsletter . . . I have been what is known as a slacker . . . I believe Peggy would like to send me to my room. Being grounded was a significant part of my youth . . . but we won't go there. Suffice it to say, however, I have a great love of reading which was developed immensely during these extended periods of "time out" so generously given by my parents. They introduced me and my siblings to books early on, so I had a real taste of what the written word had to offer. You give me the time to delve into its world and I am a kid in a candy store with an endless budget! So, I say to Peggy . . . . bring it on, I could really use the break!! HEE HEE
What an abundant amount of "grey matter" is there for the taking . . . just by picking up a few dead trees or some cotton fiber and looking at a bunch of pigment formed into some very specific shapes. VoilĂ , you have all kinds of adventure, travel, learning opportunities, mystique, suspense and . . . perspectives. Good example . . . the great expansion to our perspective, understanding and compassion of the time period of slavery that was so deftly delivered by Faun Chidester at our June Book Club. We all left in awe of the people and their experiences as Faun captured our attention with her review of "Am I Not a Man?" The Dred Scott Story. Many thanks, Faun, for bringing these souls and their struggles into our consciousness and making us better people for it. A great discussion, with a great bunch of friends! We not only learn about the impact of people on our lives, be we also get to spread our wings occasionally to the animal kingdom. We have had a few encounters with this part of our existence. Talk about variations in behavior and the wide spectrum of lessons to be learned from this species! Think of them . . . remember the Crow in The Golden Verses and its sequel ?? How about the Snake in the HarryPotter series? What of our adventurous ride with The Black Stallion, and who could forget our encounter with the world of horse racing when we were captivated with the sport's legend, Seabiscuit?!We have even made acquaintance with bees and learned about their "secret lives!" Are you with me here?? HEE HEE
This next ride is going to be like none other . . .saddle up for a horrendous glass-shattering, bonesplintering, ligament-lynching meeting with a megaton truck . . . and that's only in the first 25 pages!! Seriously!! There will be NO dozing during this read! It is a gripping, intense tale of life-changing happenings for the characters we meet . . . Grace, her four-legged friend, Pilgrim, there's her dad, Robert, her mom, Annie and the one person who arrives to heal them all in mind, body and spirit . . .Tom Booker. Join us for a compelling August read . . . grab a few sugar cubes, maybe some oats and take on the challenge with "The HorseWhisperer" by Nicholas Evans. It is an engaging read that will be reviewed with her own soothing words and gentle touch as Heather Marshall takes us through this well-written novel as Tom works to rebuild all the lives that have been shattered by the accident, using his mystical skills with horses. We even get to take a magnificent journey exploring earth and massive sky of Rocky Mountain Montana. If you've never been there . . . you'll get a "big sky" introduction to it . . . especially if you decide to pick up the movie and see the visual rendition of the story. I must say, Montana is an amazing place of beauty. Meet you at the Booker Stables!Kris Humphries 801.963.9706 or 801.808.9783
Book: The Horse Whisperer Author: Nicholas EvansPresenter: Heather MarshallPlace: Double 'K' Ranch (Kris & Kay's)
Date: Tuesday, August 31st
Time: 7:00 pm